Well I made it to Canada alive and mostly unscathed. Why unscathed you ask, because I had an interesting experience in HK while making my way to the airport. I have just finished some shopping and was in the airport express train terminal, I had the choice of either being lazy and taking the escalators or the stairs. I decide to be active and take the stairs which turned out to be the wrong choice. A train was just letting people on, but as I was at the top of the stairs I knew I had no chance to catching it so was not in a rush to get to the bottom. However about 1/4 - 1/2 of the way down (sorry for the vagness on the dstance there) I somehow missed a step and went for a fall all the way to the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I was mainly unhurt just some grazing below each elbow and a bit of a sour knee. However the same can not be said about my camera. I went to take a picture of teh incident and found that the screen was broken and the front case has a major dent in it, which is extremely annoying to say the least as I had just got it just over a month ago. But at least I didnt majorly injure myself and I am extremely thankful to God for that and I am going to claim the camera on insurance.
Another thing which happened but in a good way this time, was that I ended up in the bulk head seat on the trip from HK to Vancouver. Was a bit of a good thing with my sour knee and all. Also I have been reading the Rich Dad book Retire Young, Retire Rich, which I never expected to have God speaking to me through it at all considering the topic that it was on. However as I was reading one of the chapters I got challenged in regards to my giving. I consider myself to be a fairly decent giver maybe not regular but a giver in lots of other aspects, however this one part of the book really challenged me to be a more faithful and regular giver. It blows my mind that even through a financial book that is designed to increase my wealth God is still able to speak to me to try and get me to expand my content and context (those who have read this book will know and understand the meaning of this phrase particularly well).
I am settling in to Vancouver ok, only been here a coupla days and already have a bank account and cell phone and a few house items. My roommate is a nice guy and is currently letting me use his laptop (until I get one of my own which will hopefully be by the end of next week) and his digital camera which he says he doesnt use much at the moment, so there will be some photos up later of my first few weeks here.
I appologies but this maybe the last blog entry for a little while until I have a chance to get my own laptop, and then i will try to be a bit more regular in my entries depening on what I am doing (think I said that in the last entry aswell).
Till next time enjoy your weeks.