Sunday, September 24, 2006

While in Hong Kong earlier this year on the return leg of my last trip to Japan. - Taken at Hong Kong Disney Land

First Things First

Now, I do appologies for the cheesieness of this entry, but as this is the first entry I am not making it anything splash. That will come later on when I leave the shores of sunny Adelaide & Australia.

I have just started both this blog page and my new home page to post all photo's, experiences and journalistic feelings which I may obtain due time.

My new webpage is there is currently not much there other that a quick spill and a copy of my current flight itinerary, most of which will change early next year one I can book my flight for the second half of the year.

I will try to update and post to here about once a week or so to start of with until I start to travel in Canada, and then hopefully I will be able to eventually do it more often depending on my circumstances.
