Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rome part 1.1

Sunday 14th March:
Well today is mothers day in the UK, but not in Australia - so it hasn't really effected me in anyway nor have I missed out on anything.
However since I am in Rome, my adventures took me to the Piramide stop (yes Rome has a Pyramid - it was built apparently about 18 BC–12 BC as a tomb for Gaius Cestius Epulo - wikipedia reference so not sure if it's 100% accurate). Anyway from here I went for a walk along the Sunday morning markets - food, clothes, jewelery etc are some here - like every other Sunday market in most cities.
From the markets I made my way to the Basilica San Paolo, before walking back to the Piramide metro station and catching the metro down to EUR Palasport/Fermi - a nice area of green grass and a lack with waterfalls which are currently in the process of being upgraded and developed.
I spent a bit of time there before heading back to the hostel for a rest and to wait until Grace arrives.
Went to met Grace at the main train station and then headed back to the hostel for the night.


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