Tuesday 14th July:
More work, and still trying to figure out this stupid DB in Access, occasionally get a small win, but still can get any of it to some together and work well for me. Oh well the lovely frustrations of coding - potentially the reason while I never went on with it after studying it at uni!
Got home then went off to see Bruno - the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie. Please I implore you do NOT spend your money on the movie, wait for it to hit either the weekly movie shelf or come to TV. The beginning held a lot of promise, but it fell away after that and became so disjointed it was painful to watch, there were parts in there that were funny, but overall it was a long 1hr 22min, and I'm glad that's all it went for. I thought firstly that it was a short film, and there's a reason for it being one.
Wednesday 15th July:
More work and frustration on the DB.
Got a bit of a lift this morning from the Quote of the day on the BBC website:
"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself." J KRISHNAMURTI You Are The World
Quite fitting really when you think about it. If you don't go out to achieve it, it won't come to you basically.
Well that is pretty much it for the day, nothing overly exciting happened.
Thursday 16th July:
More work, and our monthly team meeting - oh they are great and glorious times.
Nothing much happened at work nor on the way home - albeit they were filming something at the Bullring today - don't know what, and really not to fused about it either.
On a different note it was Soccer/football night again tonight - got a couple of goals in as well which was nice.
For an interesting article that I was reading today about the abandoned tube stations see
Friday 17th July:
Well another day at work, although the day started off well with the news that Hanna Erika - my new Niece was born in the morning - great way to start the day off.
From there work was the usual, although really didn't want to be there at all today, and then I started to get annoyed with the Cricket and Australia perchant for letting a game which they should easily draw because of rain, semi go down the drain because they play stupid stupid shots - AAARRrggghhhh. But these are the things of cricket.
For dinner I went out to a new restaurant that has recently opened up near me - the Flaming Dragon. Not too bad a place although since it is currently in pre-official opening I gave a bit of criticism on how they could improve.
Now all I am waiting for is Saturday and my weekend in London.
Saturday 18th July:
Slept in this morning - got up just after 10ish, then mum and dad called, so I ended up chatting with them for a while before leaving to catch the train into London.
Got to London and found the hostel I was staying at - Clink - not a bad place, a little out of the way but not that far out.
Once I got my bed setup and organised I got my stuff together and headed towards the Palace theatre where I was going to see the Priscilla musical. Stop ed a pub next to the theatre to grab a pint and then dinner aswell while I waited for the box office to open up and me to grab my ticket that was waiting for me there.
Anyway got into the theatre to find that I was 3 rows from the back and right on the end of the row next to the wall - I came all the way from Birmingham to get almost the worst seat in the house - not really what I was expecting.
Anyway I was hoping to be able to move as there seems to be a lot of spare seats and I was hoping that there would still be at the start of the show. Unfortunately it was packed out and I had to end up watching the show from my seat - one advantage of the seat was that I could stand up next to the wall and get a better view of it.
Anyway I digress, the show was brilliant and highly entertaining, although unfortunately Jason Donovan wasn't in it and was obviously having a day off - he is suppose to play the leading character.
After the show I made my way back to the hostel where they have a pub on the lower level - the hostel is housed in an old court house building. I was eventually able to grab a couple of beers from the bar and sat down to drink them. Nearing the end of my second beer a single girl rocked up and so we got chatting. She was from Brasil but living and studying in Lisbon, Portugal.
Sunday 19th July:
Slept really badly during the night and constantly woke up, I was kinda sleeping in an odd position without much help from the bedding or the smallish bed, as well as the room being fairly warm aswell - not a great combination.
Anyway eventually got up in the morning, had a shower and breakfast then checked out. Met up with Mariana (Brasilian girl from the previous night), and we were going to go and join up with the free London walking tour, unfortunately it started to heaving pour down with rain and so we decided not to join up with the tour, instead I caught the train back to Marylebone to catch the train back to Birmingham, and Mariana decided to go and see a couple of museums.
Back in Birmingham it ws raining again on my walk from the train station home, where I spent the rest of the day just relaxing and doing nothing as I felt like doing, as well as getting some hope up that Australia may yet still win this current test, or at least give England a run fr their money.
Monday 20th July:
Another day at work like every other day except for the fact that it was the final day and Lords and with Australia in a semi decent position to potentially make history and win the 2nd Ashes test on a record chash, and honestly had Haddin and Clarke or Johnson still been there at lunch with just having lost one wicket in the morning it would have almost certainly been an Aussie win, unfortunately they didn't win, but these things happen and they ultimately lost the test in the first innings when they gave their wickets away on mostly hook shots.
Beyond that it was a very normal day and ending to the day as well.
Labels: BBC, Bruno, Days of the week, Tube Station