Sunday, December 31, 2006


Well, it's now 2007 for most people. I still have about 13hours until it's 2007 for me, and thats where it's weird, because I'm so use to being on the beginning of all these 'major' events, thatbeing at the butt end of them all is very weird, but in the end it really doesn't matter, as the event's happen one way or another.

Just in case anyone ask's or was wondering - No I do not have any NY's revolution's which I want to make, as I kinda don't see the point as most of them usually end up being broken pretty quickly by people anyway. Sooo bring on the celebrations.

Monday, December 25, 2006


When most if not all of you read this it will be past christmas day, but that's ok. Derek has lent me his nice big MacBook Pro so I can call my Bro, Sis and Parents today, which makes him an absolute legend in my books!!!!

Anyway I am going snowboarding tomorrow (or at least thats the plan) it's my Christmas present to myself considering all the crappy things that have happened in the last two months. I can't believe I've been here two months already. Doesn't seem that long. Anyway it just doesn't seem like christmas for me today. Maybe it just the whole different setting and everything, or being away from family for the first time for Christmas, either way it's very different and odd. Maybe it will tonight when I join Paul and his family for dinner.

In any event, I hope everyone had a great christmas day and is looking forward to the New Year celebrations. As I wish that everyone will have a great 2007 no matter what you are doing or where you are in the world.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Job's job's and more job's & Derek's online radio appearance

Well, I have finally obtained a full-time long term job here in Canada today, and oddly enough it is with the company that thought I might skip town on them mid contract. Oh well, all things come to those who wait I guess.

Not only that I have some temp work for the next two weeks over the New Year holiday times (ie 27th Dec to 5th Jan) Just some minor admin work, but still work and ok money for a couple of weeks before Rainmaker starts. I actually start at Rainmaker on the 9th Jan - so I get my birthday off, which is so sweet that I can go and snowboard on it - and hopefully not injure myself at the same time. This also means that my Christmas present I was going to get for myself - a lesson in snowboarding I can actually properly afford and will be doing probably at this stage on Tuesday next week when everyone's at the boxing day sales.

I'm so stoked, because I can finally afford to live here in Vancouver and do a couple of things I want to do, and learn to snowboard, and finally God has answer the long winded pray to help me get a job. This also means that I can afford to finally get a new laptop - most likely mid Jan once I settle into the job and get some cash behind me.

Also to those who are interested - Derek - is going to appear on online radio tonight Friday 22nd Dec at about 9pm Vancouver time - to convert to your local time go to the world clock and select converter in the links section.

The details below thanks to Kyle:

It’s on HSB radio, which is a Vancouver based online radio station. The show starts at 8, and he should be taking the stage at around 9. He’d really appreciate it if you guys would tune in!
Here’s all the info you’ll need to take a listen:
Go to and enter the site. Click the on air button (top right), and it should open in windows media player. If it asks to to save or open, click open and tell it to open with windows media player.for all of you Mac users, download windows media player (Mac version), and it’ll work.It’s on HSB radio, which is a Vancouver based online radio station. The show starts at 8, and he should be taking the stage at around 9. He’d really appreciate it if you guys would tune in!
Here’s all the info you’ll need to take a listen:
Go to and enter the site. Click the on air button (top right), and it should open in windows media player. If it asks to to save or open, click open and tell it to open with windows media player.for all of you Mac users, download windows media player (Mac version), and it’ll work.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Job Hunting

It wish it was easy to find a decent job over here, but the honest truth is that while I can find some temp jobs easily enough that pay close to minimum wage, to find something I'm qualified to do is a lot harder and it's beginning to get quite depressing. I had two interviews for decent accounting jobs this week, and got rejected by both and both for different reasons. The first was because they were worried I was a little too flighty (ie that I might not stick the whole time out with them, which was rubbish especially is they were willing to give me about 2 weeks off every 3 months to go travelling) the second one rejected me one the pretext that I was over qualified for the position - I mean of cause I'm over qualified, I was a financial analysis (accountant) in Australia, but over here I am unable to do what I'm qualified and experienced for because I have yet to obtain my full CPA designation/qualifications.

As I ended up saying to my agent, I'm probably gonna have this trouble with most jobs they put me forward for because the job's they have I will be over qualified for, and the job's I'm qualified for I m unable to be put forward for because I don't a full designation yet. So at the moment my only sources of income are from the small minimal temp obs that I am currently doing for $12-13/hr which even if I did them for a full month of work only just cover my rent and food expenses and that's about it.

Ohh well, back to the drawing board again I guess (and on to that scarp heap that's effectively call the unemployable becuse of too much experience but not the right details for Canada).

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

First time for everything

Well, I had my first try of pumpkin pie last night. I had heard of it before and it is available in Australia (at least I think it is ;)), but I have never had the urge to try it out, much to the horror and surprise of most people at tOH. So anyway Paul who I help at a Korean church on Tuesdays to teach convo english has brought it the last two weeks, and I was so full last week that I didn't try it out, but this week I left room to try it out.

It was ok, nothing so special that I would say everyone has to have it, maybe try it if you like, but I have had better pie's for dessert. Anywho there is a photo that jen took of the occasion so when I get a copy of it from her, I post it up.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm An Uncle

Well I am now officially an Uncle - my bro's little boy was born on Friday morning at 6.54am.

Jack Isamu Corey (JIC)

JIC & Greg

JIC & Yukiko


JIC Birthcard Details

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Job - So hard to keep

Well, some of you already knew this others didn't but I was suppost to have a job starting next week that was going to continue until December 22nd and pay well at the same time. Unfortunately that position was recinded and put on hold until after Christmas at this stage (had that happen before). Anyway this left me in a bit of a quondry as to what to do next week as I had planned on catching the bus everyday for two weeks down to work, so I decide last night that I needed to do some searching again and this time not be so picky in what I was after other than I wanted a job and something to do that was paid.

So I rang one of the agencies which I have signed up with and got some data entry work which at this stage is for about 3 days or so 9-5 work not paying anywhere near what I would like, but then again I suppost I can't be too picky when I just want work and money. I will say one thing about it though I haven't been paid this badly since I worked part-time, oh well it's a job I suppose and money to replenish some of that which has and is about to leave me bank account.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

End of Another Week

It's the end of another week - I've have now been here for 4 weeks and they have been interesting to say the least in so many ways. But in the end it has to be said that it has been an enjoyable time most of the time, and it bring's me back to remembering that God is in control and I have to rely on him for everything - where as I am use to have a consistant income and not having a problem getting a job, over here I currently do not have a consistant income and am having trouble getting jobs (given that I do have one starting next week for (at the current stage) 2 weeks, so at least I'll have some money for christmas.

One thing I have to say is that all this walking I am currently doing because I don't have a job is doing me good as I am lose a little bit of the extra wieght I have had. So nice to no longer have a pair of pants I bought in HK on the way over fit me properly and almost need a belt to keep 'em up.

For those who are reading this and are interested in my photo's I have uploaded most of what I have in regards to my snow pictures. There still are some which I took yesterday while up at Lynn Canyon (but I guess you'll have to wait for those).