Monday, December 25, 2006


When most if not all of you read this it will be past christmas day, but that's ok. Derek has lent me his nice big MacBook Pro so I can call my Bro, Sis and Parents today, which makes him an absolute legend in my books!!!!

Anyway I am going snowboarding tomorrow (or at least thats the plan) it's my Christmas present to myself considering all the crappy things that have happened in the last two months. I can't believe I've been here two months already. Doesn't seem that long. Anyway it just doesn't seem like christmas for me today. Maybe it just the whole different setting and everything, or being away from family for the first time for Christmas, either way it's very different and odd. Maybe it will tonight when I join Paul and his family for dinner.

In any event, I hope everyone had a great christmas day and is looking forward to the New Year celebrations. As I wish that everyone will have a great 2007 no matter what you are doing or where you are in the world.


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