Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A disruption and the start of the count down

Tuesday 1st September:
Had an email this morning from the airline that I had booked my flight to Prague with. Apparently they have decided to declare bankruptcy, and as such I no longer have a flight to prague. Luckily I hadn't yet book accomodation, but I will look at getting a different airline to fly there with on the same weekend though.
Fingures crossed, but probably not overly likely to happen. Oh well these things happen, at least I should be able to get the money back through the bank since I paid via credit card.
In the evening I went to see the Hurt Locker at the theatres. Good movie, decent action and interesting enough plot and story line.

Wednesday 2nd September:
Work and quiet night at home with a call from Mum and Dad.

Thursday 3rd September:
Work, then got home to the internet not working again.

Friday 4th September:
Work and a quiet day at work. Came home to cook my lamb steaks for dinner and listen to the first ODI of Australia vs England. Followed by a relatively quiet night at home.

Saturday 5th September:
Just a quiet Saturday spent at home, and at the shops buying food.

Sunday 6th September:
Another quiet day, went with Milin (my new housemate) down to the Walkabout to watch the English batting in the second half of the ODI. While there met an English guy who was over from Ireland with his wife, 2 year old son and parents-in-law. Got chatting and had a few drinks bought for us while watching the English get beaten.
Also it was Milin's birthday, hence the trip to the bar for a few drinks.

Monday 7th September:
Back to work.


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