Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Long Time

Well it's been a bit of time since the last major post I did on here. Mainly because not much has really happened to post about I guess.

Anyway I started playing soccer last week (8 weeks on a social league with a bunch of friends) and luck me I am the captain, and I have to say for the first week, for a bunch of people who have either never played, rarely played, or just haven't played in a long time, we did well and I am proud of my team.

Now for the interesting news, I quit my job today - something that is probably a couple of months over due, but none the less has now happened, and I feel good about it. So now I am in the planning stages of a little 3 week holiday away from Vancouver. I will be going to seattle first (planned for the first weekend I have finished work), from there I will come back and play soccer for the wednesday before flying out to Montreal - and hopefully make it to the Canadian F1 race, followed by me heading off Toronto and Niagra Falls - look out East Canada here I come!!!! I am really looking forward to this little trip, something I had hoped to do at some point in time, and now have a chance to do.


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