Saturday, October 28, 2006

Going Away Party

Well, I had my going away party today. It turned out to be a bit of a miserable day all over really. The weather was shocking (it's the end of October so coming into Summer, and generally usually reasonable hot and cloudless. Unfortunately for me it was about 15 excessive cloud and occasionally the odd bit of spitting rain.) To top it all off, of all the people who I had invited along to enjoy the day with me, there was only about 17 people turned up and that includes myself and my parents. Now there were a few people who I knew couldn't come because of prior arrangements and I don't mind that because I knew that was the case. However the problem I have ended up with is that there were a number of other people who said that they would rock up even if it was for only a couple of hours or less (this does not refer to those couple of people who rang just as I was leaving), but these people never did show up nor did they bother to send a message to say sorry they couldn't make it.

Now this is similar to what happened for my birthday at the beginning of the year (where I invited about 30 odd people and maybe 10 people rocked up (given it was a 40degree day) but still basically nobody sent a message or anything else to say sorry for not being able to come on the day (that 30 people is minus those who had already told me they couldn't come).

Now I'm sorry if I sound narky, but I have lost my time for a lot of people, and I still think that some respect/curtesy is due when someone has invited you and something unexpected happens or comes up disenabling one to make it to a prior engagement to send a message saying sorry but I am unable to make it. Now as you may have guessed this is kinda depressing that of all the people I know, only a few decide to rock up and enjoy the day with me.

Now please don't get me wrong I am extremely greatful and had a great time with those who did rock up and those people way rock. But for those who didn't I am getting pissed off with. I try my hardest to be social and friendly to people and the way I get repaid is by people being dickhead's and unkind to me.

I honestly don't know what I have done to deserve the way I get treated by some people, but it's extremely depressing and annoying. Some people wonder why I am leaving and going overseas (where i have told they that I wanna learn to snowboard and experience somewhere else for a time), but there really isn't many people I will miss when I'm away, purely because I don't think I will be missed myself by many people. I know I should probably look on the bright side of life and be thankful for those who did rock up or ring and not worry about those who didn't bother, but it's damn hard. Because in the end all I wanted was for people to show some curtesy and thoughtfulness and help me enjoy my party and day.

I don't know why I do this to myself to be honest, I knew this would happen and I knew how many people would rock up, so I don't know why I am surprised at how many people didn't rock up, nor am I surprise at the people who didn't rock up. Way too many people I know are two faced, they are nice to my face and occasionally include me in their event's, but when it come's around the opposite way, they don't care or give a shit, and to be brutally honest I am getting extremely fed up with it, and it is these people who are making it extremely easy for me to leave.

One last word, that I think is quite funny and probably quite typical of the Christian community. The people at my now old work placed like me more and I probably enjoyed their company more and were nicer to me (and so were probably truer friends) that some of those who profess to be Christian's, who I think of as friends. I don't know whether this is the same all over the world in churches, but it seems to be pretty prevelant in the majority of Churches in Australia. As someone once said "The Church can be the loneliest place on Earth"

I honestly don't blame those who are non-Christian for have a bad impression of the Church - Coz I definately do.


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