Tuesday, October 17, 2006

GOD at Work

Well, to give a quick bit of History I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago with Sleep Apnea (not a great thing to be diagnose with when your just 25 and not a pleasant thing to consider you are going to have for the rest of your life. Now I did decide to try a couple of different options (the first being a CPAP machine - those with or know of someone with sleep apnea will know probably straight away what this machine is and does - to put it shortly for those who don't it's a machine you hook your self up to at night and it forces air in through your nose/mouth to try to keep the airways open so you breath). Now trust me when I say they are not the most comfortable nor unintrusive machines to have and after a 6 week trial period I could not justify the difference in my sleep patterns with the cost of the machine. So instead I decided to try a breathing method called the Buteyko breating Method, this seemed to work, and I will admit it still does when I decide to do it regularly for period's of time (however it also demands almost ritualistically devotion to achieve the best results from it, which I am not the best at when left to my own devices.

So to get back on track (sorry for the slight explanation detour) about 6 weeks ago my church they held a healing service. I decided to go up and ask for healing of my condition. The best part of it was that the following week I had great sleep and will now say that I believe that I was healed of my condition. However I was unwilling to boldly say so without the medical proof to back up my claim (and this is where I believe my downfall was), as the following and subsequent weeks I have been again suffering from the sleep apnea. Following (weeks after) Clovercrest hosted R.T. Kendall, I decide to do something from one of the many side track stories he told and get the courage to again ask for healing of my sleep apnea.

This now gets me to my current situation. While I have not yet been completely healed of this condition, I believe that this time God is slowly at work in healing me, as I was unable/unwilling to accept the last miracle, that I will now have to wait patiently as God slowly provides the healing that I so desperately want.

I will let you know in the future how this is going.


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