Sunday, December 06, 2009

1st Week of December

Tuesday 1st December:
Work, then a dentist appointment for a filling, then went to see "A Serious Man" - an interesting movie, bizarre could be a better word for it.

Wednesday 2nd December:

Thursday 3rd December:
Work, then made my way to get my new baby - Samsung N140 Netbook (Windows 7). Unfortuantely I had to recharge the battery so I didn't get to play with it until Friday. I also had football to go to aswell - scored the first two goals for my side.

Friday 4th December:
Work, and trying to get my internet bill queried by people who have no idea what I want and are unable to give me what I want because the company doesn't offer the service. Spent the night setting up my new baby.

Saturday 5th December:
Semi relaxing day after going out to post Christmas presents. In the evening I went with a friend to see the Birmingham Ballet company perform the Nutcracker - very entertaining and thourghly enjoyed by the both of us. Also chatted to M&D during the day.

Sunday 6th December:
Never woke up in time for Church, so it was missed. Had to go into town to Selfridges anyway and try and sort out the issues I had with my netbook. Turns out it's most likely the fault of the anti-virus software. Deleted that off and added a new software and hoping that will sort the issues out.
Also called in to get a hair cut, then spent the rest of the day doing the weekly food shop, cleaning the house and relaxing while trying to get my netbook sorted.

Sunday 6th December:


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